HI! Welcome to Currently! This post series is a great place to share what we are up to and share your post through the link up below. We can make new friends & encourage each other in this thing we call "Life". Please join me!
This is my 16th week of 2016 hosting- Currently Choosing Happy link up, please join me this week or next or the week after, or any time you can join in, I would LOVE to hear from you!
Admiring// my new car! Last Thursday night, we picked up my new 2016 Subaru Outback. It is my very first brand new car. I am in love and it is everything I hoped for. I can't wait to go on many adventures and vacations in this car for many years to come!
Slurping// lime sno-cones from the Panther --my hometown drive inn. This one of our favorite summer stops. They have the best ice cream treats!
Watching// the beautiful sunset while we played at the park near Grandma's house. What a beautiful night to play outside!
Making// out like a bandit! I had the best luck at one garage sale on Saturday morning. They had my daughter's size and a lot of it. Shoes, boots, snow gear, clothing, learning books, lunch bag, the list goes on. Everything in this picture was less than $48. I am so thankful I found all these great deals!!
Cheering// for Fancy Nancy. My cousin's daughter played Fancy Nancy at the Children's Theater. She has such an amazing voice and did a great job. We love watching her perform!
Trying// to get all the way across. She had been begging to go to her school playground to practice the monkey bars. She told me that it is her favorite thing to do at recess. She can only make it about half way across, but she is getting stronger every time!
<Big Brother wanted to join in the fun too>
Feeling// the sunshine and fresh air in my new car through our moon roof. I was really doubting if I would like it, but I love it! I can't wait to use it this summer. Sunshine and blue skies....ahhhhhh!!!!
Feeding// the trout at the fish pond on our way home from early Mother's Day festivities on Sunday. The kids thought it was so neat how the fish came right up to the surface to leap for their food. The ducks were another highlight for the kids, my daughter kept asking why they dive into the water! ha
Happy Monday!! Choose Happy & have a wonderful week!
1. Link your Currently post below! **Unrelated posts will be deleted**
2. Link back to this site so others can join on this adventure with us. You can grab the button below:
3. The link up starts on Mondays, but you can join any day of the week!
4. THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL!! We are each here to encourage each other and make new friends. Please comment on at least one other Currently post.
5. Each week, I will be highlighting a blogger on my Currently post! I think this will be a great way for others to get to know one of our fellow bloggers and share the love!