Hi Friends!
It's been over a year and a half since my last blog post. On the eve of my Aunt Nan's birthday, the one that inspired me to write this blog, I feel like I have failed her a bit as I have stopped writing and sharing on this blog. I have been trying my best to Choose Happy and share that message with those around me and those I come across, but it isn't always easy. Nan always gives me a little sign to keep it up and to live each day to the fullest.
The truth is, with the daily grind of life and running kids to sports, events, long drives home from work, etc., I just haven't had the time nor the will to sit at the computer at night working on blog posts. It may be that I have to write full time for my job, so I don't enjoy writing like I used to or maybe I am just over the whole blogging thing. But whatever it is, it's time to call it quits. I have been postponing this for too long.
High Hopes
I really had high hopes for this blog. In the hay day of blogs a few years ago, I dreamt of being an amazing, well known blogger that was paid for all of my DIY, Home, Beauty, Travel and Organization posts like the "big" bloggers do. I tried selling Choose Happy shirts, selling ads on the side of my blog, I just didn't quite have what it takes or know the "right" people.
After awhile, I realized that life is too short to get upset over a failed blog, so I kinda just let it go. Maybe someday I will have more time to blog, but for now, I enjoy sharing pictures and messages on Facebook and Instagram!
Thank You
Thank you to everyone that has followed and commented on my blog over the past four and half years. Four years? WHOAH, I guess I didn't even realize it had been that long. Nan certainly inspired me to encourage everyone to Choose Happy and will continue to inspire me.
If you haven't been here before, I encourage you to look through my past posts, as I really enjoyed sharing DIY projects, What I Wore, family, recipes and especially all of our travels.
I will continue to be active on social media, so feel free to follow my Choose Happy page on Facebook and personal page on Instagram!
Celebrate the life that you have and try to Choose Happy!