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Holi : Festival of Colours

Holi: Festival of Colours

Holi is the most famous festival of colours celebrated every year in the month of ‘Phalgun’(March) by the people of Indian Hindus with great joy. It is the festival of lots of frolic activities and fun mainly for the children who start the celebration before a week as well as continue a week after this festival. Holi is celebrated by the people of Hindu religion all over the country especially in North India in March.

There are legends and many stories behind celebration Holi in India for long years. It is the festival of great significance and importance. According to Hindu mythology, The most famous story behind the Holi celebration was started long ago when Holika was burnt into the fire while trying to kill her nephew in the fire.

Image result for holika dahan imagesIt believed that there was a demon king called Hiranyakashyap, father of little Prahlad who tried to kill his son When Prahlad denied to worship him because Prahlad was the great devotee of the Lord Vishnu. When Hiranyakashyap failed in many of his strategies to kill Prahlad, he ordered to his sister Holika to sit in the fire by with Prahlad in her lap as she boomed for never getting harmed by fire.

However, this strategy also failed as little Prahlad was a devotee of Lord Vishnu and he saved by his God but Holika burnt into the fire and Prahlad was saved. From that day, people of Hindus started celebrating that day as 'Choti Holi' every year.

One day before Holi, people make heaps of woods on the crossroads and burn it. People taking many rounds to the burning Holika with worshipping it to get blessed with the good health and prosperity by burning of all the sins and diseases in the fire. It is also symbolising Holika and celebrate ‘Holika Dahan’ ceremony.

Image result for holi imagesOn the next morning after the ‘Holika Dahan’, people celebrate the colourful festival of Holi by getting together at one place and throwing colours on everyone playfully which shows the love and closeness between them. Holi preparations start a week before from the main celebration. People, usually children, are highly enthusiastic who start buying different colours, pichkaries, balloons, sweets, etc. a week before the day.

People started playing with colours with their friends, neighbours and relatives with ‘pichkari’ and balloons. The celebrations get started in the morning when people with lots of colours visit their friends and relatives and colour them. Holi delicacies comprise of ‘gujhiya’, sweets, ‘namak pare’, chips etc. which are enjoyed by the guests and as well as by the hosts.

The festival of Holi mostly focused on spreading brotherhood and love. The colours used in the festival are bright which showcases the prosperity and happiness. Holi also symbolises the wining of good over evil which is the soul of most of the Indian festivals. It also teaches us to follow the right path and to stay away from the sins of society.
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